• Goodwill – Committed, customized investment and trading consultancy. When so much is being said about wealth creation, Goodwill makes an important distinction between wealth creation and wealth preservation. The character and methodology of your investment will be determined by your current financial stature. The question is: are you going to create wealth or preserve the…

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  • Afni is a U.S.-based global contact center company and our clients are among the world’s best companies. Our clients rely on Afni to engage with customers over the phone and through web chat. When customers connect with us, they need help. With each conversation, we have a chance to resolve an issue, lend a helping…

  • Genpact (NYSE: G) is a global professional services firm that makes business transformation real. Led by our purpose — the relentless pursuit of a world that works better for people — we drive digital-led innovation and digitally enabled intelligent operations for our clients. Guided by our experience reinventing and running thousands of processes for hundreds…

  • Bank of Baroda (BOB) is an Indian nationalized banking and financial services company. It is under the ownership of the Ministry of Finance of the government of India. It is the fourth largest nationalized bank in India, with 132 million customers, a total business of US$218 billion, and a global presence of 100 overseas offices….

  • Andhra pradesh mahesh co-operative urban bank ltd. A leading multi state scheduled Co.Op.Bank in south india, with business turnover of above rs.4400 crores, (as on 31.03.2021), having net work of 45 branches spread across 4 states (telangana, andhra pradesh, maharashtra & rajasthan).

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  • For over 45 years, DTCC has played a pivotal role in protecting and supporting the growth of the global financial markets, tackling the industry’s biggest operational challenges collaboratively, while processing millions of securities transactions every day. Every day we are focused on developing and delivering innovative solutions to help our clients reduce risk and costs…

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