2015 Founded
100+ Employees
10K+ To 25K, 25K+ To 100K Avg. Salary

About Company


We are a new kind of mission-driven organization with services, expertise and products focused on making the business of healthcare delivery work for everyone, through technology-enabled optimizations. We believe that if health is a right, proven digital health solutions and expertise such as ours should not be a privilege.

We have worked with participants across the spectrum of healthcare: from individuals and healthcare providers to government departments and stakeholders, insurance organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and various private sector players.

We are passionate about advancing our society and the healthcare for everyone. This gives us the daily enthusiasm and drive to make positive change. We are not satisfied with the status quo. We never give up!

The eHealth space is young and dynamic. Innovation and change runs in the blood. We recognize the pivotal role of resourcefulness, flexibility and out-of-the- box thinking in charting new possibilities for applying IT to healthcare. We bring this into every project we undertake. It’s in our DNA!

We are dedicated to satisfying our users and clients first. We measure these by the happiness they express and the positive reviews they leave.

Company Details

Location: 8 Kukawa close, off Gimbiya street, close to Top Rank Hotel Area 11, Garki, Abuja, Nigeria.
Phone: +2349021720578

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